If you have been diagnosed with a breast cancer, it can be daunting to learn about the various treatment types. Breast surgery remains a key priority in breast cancer treatment by removing either the cancerous tumour or the entire breast. Learn more about the types of surgery here.
Wide local excision, also known as lumpectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at removing a cancerous tumour from the breast, while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. This targeted approach allows for the removal of cancer cells, while maintaining the natural appearance of the breast. Mr Milligan’s techniques ensure that the incision is small and discreet, minimising scarring and promoting optimal cosmetic outcomes.
With extensive experience and a commitment to personalised care, Mr Milligan tailors each surgery to meet the unique needs of his patients. Through open communication and compassionate support, he ensures that you feel empowered and well-informed throughout your treatment journey.

Wide local excision, also known as lumpectomy, is a surgical procedure performed by Mr Milligan to remove tumours or abnormal tissue from the breast while preserving it’s natural shape. In cases where a lumpectomy may leave a significant defect or indentation, Mr Milligan may employ a specialised technique called local flap, or mini-flap, surgery for partial breast reconstruction.
During local flap surgery, Mr Milligan moves fatty tissue from the chest wall to fill the defect caused by the lumpectomy. This technique not only helps to restore the breast’s contour but also provides improved cosmetic results compared to lumpectomy alone. By using the patient’s own tissue, the local flap procedure offers a more natural and seamless partial breast reconstruction.
Furthermore, local flap surgery may allow some patients to avoid undergoing a mastectomy, which would involve complete removal of the breast. By preserving the breast and utilising local flap techniques, Mr Milligan provides a conservative treatment option that addresses both the medical needs and aesthetic concerns of his patients.
Mastectomy surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of the breast tissue to treat or prevent breast cancer. It is a crucial step in the breast cancer treatment plan for many women. Mr Milligan employs the latest surgical techniques to perform mastectomy with precision and care, minimising scarring and ensuring optimal outcomes for his patients. From the initial consultation, where Mr Milligan takes the time to understand your unique needs and concerns, to the post-operative follow-ups, he offers personalised attention and comprehensive guidance, discussing breast reconstruction options, allowing women to regain their confidence and reclaim their lives.
Recognising the emotional impact of mastectomy surgery, Mr Milligan creates a supportive environment where patients feel understood and empowered. He emphasises open communication, compassion, and empathy to ensure his patients feel comfortable throughout the entire process. Mr Milligan collaborates closely with a multidisciplinary team, including radiologists and oncologists to offer holistic care options tailored to each patient’s needs.

Mr Milligan is an expert in axillary surgery, providing comprehensive care for various techniques, including sentinel lymph node biopsy, axillary node clearance, and targeted axillary dissection.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure employed by Mr Milligan to determine if cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. This precise technique allows for accurate evaluation and tailored treatment planning.
Axillary node clearance involves the removal of multiple lymph nodes, providing a thorough assessment of disease progression.
Mr Milligan also specialises in targeted axillary dissection, selectively removing lymph nodes at the highest risk of involvement in patients with predicted low disease burden in the armpit lymph nodes. This approach minimises surgical trauma and potential complications compared with axillary mode clearance.
Therapeutic Mammoplasty
Therapeutic mammoplasty is a specialised surgical procedure that combines the principles of breast reduction surgery with the removal of breast cancer. It is primarily recommended for women diagnosed with breast cancer who desire a more conservative approach that focuses on both cancer treatment and cosmetic outcomes.
This procedure is ideal for women who have relatively larger breasts and are diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer, where the tumour is small and localised. By incorporating breast reduction techniques, therapeutic mammoplasty enables the removal of cancerous tissue while reshaping and reducing the size of the breast.
The surgery is particularly beneficial for women who wish to preserve the natural shape and appearance of their breasts. It aims to achieve a harmonious and balanced breast contour, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing outcome compared to traditional mastectomy procedures.
Therapeutic mammoplasty offers several advantages. It reduces the need for additional reconstructive surgeries, as the breast is reshaped during the initial procedure. Additionally, it can improve post-operative recovery, minimise scarring, and enhance the patient’s self-esteem and body image.
By tailoring the procedure to the individual needs of each patient, Mr Milligan ensures optimal cancer control and cosmetic results, providing a comprehensive approach to your breast cancer treatment.

Immediate breast reconstruction involves initiating the reconstruction process during the mastectomy procedure itself. This approach can help to minimise the psychological impact of losing a breast. Mr Milligan specialises in pre-pectoral breast reconstruction, where an implant is placed in front of the chest wall muscle. This technique offers numerous advantages compared with placing the implant behind the muscle (sub-pectoral), including reduced pain, faster recovery, and a more natural-looking result.
Mr Milligan will also discuss the options of using you own tissue to reconstruct the breast, which may be the best option for some patients.
Contact us today and let our dedicated team assist you.