Cosmetic breast surgery provides women with the opportunity to achieve their desired breast appearance, which can lead to increased self-confidence and a greater sense of comfort and satisfaction with their appearance.

Breast Enlargement with Implants (Augmentation)

Breast enlargement surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can address a range of concerns. Many women choose this surgery to enhance their breast size and shape, restore volume lost due to pregnancy or weight loss, improve breast symmetry, or boost their self-esteem. It is a personal decision that can empower you to feel more comfortable and confident in your own body.

Breast enlargement surgery involves the insertion of implants to increase breast size and improve shape. Mr Milligan will guide you through the entire process, ensuring your comfort and safety. During your consultation, he will discuss the various implant options, such as size, shape, and material, while considering your natural anatomy and personal preferences. This thorough evaluation allows him to create a customised surgical plan that will deliver natural-looking results, in harmony with your body proportions.

Mr Milligan’s compassionate and patient-centred approach ensures that you are well-informed and supported throughout your breast enlargement journey. He will address any concerns or questions you may have, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the procedure, potential risks, and benefits. Mr Milligan’s exceptional surgical skills, combined with his meticulous attention to detail, enable him to create beautifully proportioned and natural-looking results.


Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that reshapes and reduces the size of the breasts, removing excess tissue, fat, and skin. It aims to alleviate physical discomfort, improve proportions, and enhance overall body confidence for individuals with excessively large breasts. During your consultation with Mr Milligan, he will thoroughly discuss the risks associated with breast reduction surgery, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of the procedure and realistic expectations.

With a wealth of experience and a commitment to personalised care, Mr Milligan is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and goals, tailoring his approach to help you achieve a more balanced, proportionate, and confident appearance.


Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a procedure designed to lift and reshape sagging breasts, restoring a more youthful and uplifted appearance. It involves removing excess skin and repositioning the breast tissue to achieve a firmer and more aesthetically pleasing contour. This surgery does not significantly change the size of the breasts but focuses on improving their shape and position. It is an ideal option for women who have experienced breast sagging due to factors such as ageing, pregnancy, weight loss, or genetics.

During the consultation, Mr Milligan will take the time to understand your personal desires and concerns. As a specialist breast surgeon, he is an expert in the intricacies of breast anatomy and can tailor the procedure to meet your individual needs. Patient safety is a top priority, and Mr Milligan will ensure that all potential risks and considerations, including scarring, are thoroughly discussed.

For patients desiring additional volume, Mr Milligan can discuss the possibility of combining breast lift surgery with a small implant. This personalised approach ensures that each patient’s specific goals are met, resulting in a harmonious and natural-looking outcome.


Breast implant replacement surgery under the care of Mr Milligan provides an opportunity for women to address concerns, enhance their appearance, and achieve their desired aesthetic goals with confidence and peace of mind. With his expertise and meticulous approach, Mr Milligan ensures that each patient’s unique needs and preferences are met, offering tailored solutions that go beyond simply replacing implants.

Whether it’s addressing implant-related complications, updating implant size or shape, or seeking a fresh aesthetic outlook, Mr Milligan’s comprehensive understanding of breast surgery empowers patients to embrace a renewed sense of self.


Breast implant replacement surgery under the care of Mr. Milligan provides an opportunity for women to address concerns, enhance their appearance, and achieve their desired aesthetic goals with confidence and peace of mind. With his expertise and meticulous approach, Mr. Milligan ensures that each patient’s unique needs and preferences are met, offering tailored solutions that go beyond simply replacing implants.

Whether it’s addressing implant-related complications, updating implant size or shape, or seeking a fresh aesthetic outlook, Mr Milligan’s comprehensive understanding of breast surgery empowers patients to embrace a renewed sense of self.

Contact us today and let our dedicated team assist you.

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